In this article we discuss how international head hunting can offer your business a broad range of benefits and help solve the current skills and talent shortage. Whilst it might take longer than your average executive search, the rewards are worthwhile.
There is a staffing crisis in Australia at the moment that’s impacting projects, growth and inflation and employers are needing to think outside the box in terms of how they are going to address it.
Traditionally, in the sectors in which Parkhouse Bell works, when commissioned to carry out a search exercise for senior talent we are asked to look within Australia. The reasons for this are fairly obvious – candidates will know the Australian systems and landscape, they are likely to be well-connected within Australia and onboarding is simple.
However, it is becoming necessary to consider an international search for senior executives for the following reasons:
1. Australian expat candidates currently working overseas may be thinking about returning as it is a relatively safe place to be in the world right now. They may have reconsidered their life priorities and it is more important to be closer to family and friends
2. People with international experience can bring new insights and ideas with them from the places they have been working, providing helpful solutions to challenges and an edge to strategic planning
3. Candidates who have been working overseas are likely to be more flexible about where they are based – they are already used to being thousands of kilometres away from family and friends and so living in a different State in Australia is not likely to faze them
4. Someone with international connections may be useful for businesses in Australia – many of our clients have a presence in other countries and anything that can help to join up the dots is useful
5. A broader pool to recruit from will give you the best possible chance of securing the individual that your business needs
Looking for talent internationally is likely to take more time – the market mapping that forms part of the search is arduous and complex, so ensure you factor in the lead time that headhunters will need to carry out this component of a search. We recommend starting your international search at least six months before you actually want the appointed person to be in place and that any identified candidate starts the process of visa applications etc. as soon as possible. Employers will also need to factor in additional relocation costs, such as shipping, visa application support and temporary accommodation for a successful candidate.
An international talent search gives you access to skills and experience to take your business forward and bring diversity to your leadership team. It really can be the solution to both the skills shortage and a senior role short-list that is lacking star power.